Finding Your Style of Leadership

Leadership looks different on everybody. Some lead by quiet example while others are more hands on in their guidance. There is no single style that suits everybody although there are some habits you should steer clear of!

No matter what role you are in, you will encounter situations where you need to practice leadership. Whether you oversee an entire department, or you are taking point on a project, knowing what style of leadership best suits you will help you succeed.

Here are three tips to help you find your style of leadership:


To understand what type of leader you are, you have to understand yourself first. Think about your dominant personality traits. How do they affect your interactions at work? How would your colleagues describe you? Figuring out how your character affects your behaviour in work settings will help you understand what style of leadership you are naturally suited to. Along the same lines, knowing your values will help you decide how best to lead. Finally, be honest with yourself, and think critically about your weaknesses. To be a truly great leader, it’s just as important to understand what you are bad at as what you are good at.


It’s difficult for anyone to have a clear mental image of themselves. Our own innate bias will inevitably cloud our thoughts in terms of what our personality traits are, and how we react in different situations. Asking the people you work with for honest feedback is a great way to gain a more objective view of your strengths and weaknesses. In addition, it can help you build a culture of honesty where feedback is welcomed, and questions encouraged. Just asking for feedback tells your team that you care and are working towards honest self-improvement. 


Each and every one of us was shaped by the leaders in our lives at some point or other. As children, these people were our parents, our teachers and our friends. As adults, they are our bosses, managers and co-workers. Whether we are conscious of it or not these people have a huge impact on how we address problems, make decisions and behave in high-pressure situations. A good way to figure out what style of leadership resonates with you is by thinking about the different leaders in your life. Who inspired you? Who did you enjoy working with? And what traits did these individuals possess? 

By thinking critically about yourself, getting feedback from your co-workers and considering how leaders helped shape your career path, you can gain a sense for the style of leadership you should adopt!

Do you want to discover a work environment that fosters leadership in 2019? Explore our career opportunities at The Acquisition Group!

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