How to Find Your Life’s Purpose

Do you know what your life’s purpose is? Many people don’t. Some go through life without one and do so quite happily. Others are driven from a young age with very specific aspirations and goals.

The value in having a purpose is in the way it can help guide your decisions, influence your behaviour, shape your goals, give you a sense of direction and create meaning in your life. For many it is connected to their career; a way to be involved with meaningful, satisfying work.

It involves asking yourself, what is the central, motivating aim of my life; the reason I get up in the morning? What can I do with my time that is important?

What motivates you?

Answering these questions can take time, thought and experiences. One great way to clarify your direction is to take opportunities to try new things and follow your interests and skills to see where they lead. Experience and clarity can come from exploration. Though taking action will help you better understand yourself, some people’s passions are not about the experiences they have but the destination. For example, someone could be interested in making money, and find fulfillment in achieving that goal, and not be focused about how they get there. For others it could be the opposite, they enjoy the act of creating art, and are not concerned if they make any money. Knowing how you are motivated, by experiences, accomplishing tasks or hitting milestones, can help you make the goals you need to get you there.

You have a choice in your life’s purpose

When focusing on trying to find purpose in your career it’s good to remember that it doesn’t have to be linear. What this means is that your career doesn’t have to consist of one or even two roles. You could be a writer AND a public speaker AND a craft beer creator AND a mime; it can be whatever you want! They can just be different ways of fulfilling the same purpose or represent the fact that you have more than one life’s purpose. Also, different areas of your life can have different focus’. You may have ideas of what you want to achieve with your relationships, physical abilities or personal time. You decide what you want and what you need, and you decide the rules. Don’t let others define what your life should be like or how you do things along the way.

Here at The Acquisition Group, we take pride in helping our team members find their purpose, grow, and reach their goals. Check out our careers page see if we can help you find your way!

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