The Importance of Self-Awareness in the Workplace

In the business world, how often do you hear about the value of having self-awareness skills? Or the importance to enhance your self-awareness abilities?

Simply put, self-awareness is the process of having a conscious understanding of different aspects of yourself. To cultivate self-awareness, you need to have an open perception of your values, beliefs, emotions, motives, and desires. Gaining this clarity allows you to not only facilitate opportunities for positive transformations in your attitude, behavior, and relationships but a strong foundation for your personal development and success in the workplace.

95% of people assume they are self-aware individuals, yet only 10-15% truly are. This discrepancy gap emphasizes the significance and urgency to learn how to be self-aware. The big question now is – how do we do this? While there are many different approaches, here are three useful methods we found to be the most effective:

Seeking a Helping Hand

We often assume we know all our weaknesses, but sometimes we turn a blind eye without realizing. Find someone you believe can commend you for your strengths whilst provide constructive feedback. This will help you identify problems you may not have known even existed. By openly listening and willingly accepting honest feedback is a great way to grow and improve your self-awareness.

Be Mindful

We often assume we know all our weaknesses, but sometimes we turn a blind eye without realizing. Find someone you believe can commend you for your strengths whilst provide constructive feedback. This will help you identify problems you may not have known even existed. By openly listening and willingly accepting honest feedback is a great way to grow and improve your self-awareness.

Learning Something New

When your life revolves around your job, it becomes very easy to get stuck in the same routine. From playing the piano or taking a cooking class, committing to learning a new skill is a powerful tool to develop your knowledge base, mental flexibility and improve yourself for the better. Stepping out of your comfort zone and taking up new skills allow you to stray away from the narrow-minded thought process you’re so used to and motivate yourself to think differently and act in a novel and innovative ways.

Remember, self-awareness is not a simple fix but a process. Prioritizing your efforts to want to better understand yourself and others will help pave a way for you to excel in your workplace.  

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