5 Tips to Start Your Day Off Right

How you spend your morning sets the tone for your day. It’s a simple truth. The mornings when you make the effort to get up a little bit earlier and take your time getting ready are undeniably more relaxing than the ones where you are frantically scrambling to get out the door. Chaos is clingy. It will follow you all day. Likewise, an invigorating morning routine will set you up for success.

There are countless articles extolling the virtues of this or that morning routine. But one person’s perfect routine won’t necessarily apply to another person’s life. Figuring out what works best for you is the key to forming productive habits.

These five tips are based on the habits of successful entrepreneurs. Try one to start. See how you feel. If it works, adopt it. If it doesn’t, try another. Even one new habit can make a big difference to your overall state of mind. It will take some effort, but in the long-run, effort pays for itself.


“I seriously doubt that I would have been as successful in my career (and happy in my personal life) if I hadn’t always placed importance on my health and fitness.” — Richard Branson

It’s no secret that exercise has countless mental and emotional benefits. Exercise gets your blood flowing, wakes up your brain and floods your body with endorphins. Even 10 minutes of exercise in the morning can help you feel energized and sharp for the remainder of the day. Many successful entrepreneurs credit their productivity to breaking a sweat come daybreak.


“What good shall I do today?” — Benjamin Franklin

Franklin reputedly asked himself this question every morning. Actively setting your intention for the day can help you feel calm and prepared. Throughout the day, when you experience stress or have to handle a difficult situation, this intention will ground you. When you start your day with a little introspection, you go into the world alert and conscious of your actions.


“I always schedule and tackle A tasks in the morning, as it’s my most productive time. My to-do list is in charge of my life, so I give it proper respect.” — Barbara Corcoran

Making a to-do list the night before is an easy way to hit the ground running in the morning. Barbara Corcoran, founder of The Corcoran Group and shark on Shark Tank, went from waitress to executive by organizing her tasks and keeping a meticulous schedule. Waking up with a clear to-do list can help you make the most of your morning by focusing on the task at hand.


“Early tranquility creates the blueprint of success.” — Dr. Nick Zyrowski

Trade in chaos for calm. Meditating doesn’t mean sitting with your legs crossed, hands on your knees. Meditation is as simple as taking 10-15 minutes to relax. Focus on your breathing, observe your thought pattern and identify anything that is bothering you. This will allow you to address any mental blocks and face the day with an open-mind and an easy-going attitude.


“It’s this thing called ‘Morning Pages,’ which are three longhand pages. I sit at my desk and write whatever is on the top of my head, I get all the trash out of my head. It’s not great writing, it’s just like a purge, like there it is, I’m over it, it’s done, it’s contained.” — Janet Mock

Journaling for five minutes in the morning can have a big impact on your productivity. It’s like a purge. Whatever is in the back of your mind, impeding clear thought, get it out! Write whatever comes to mind without censoring yourself. Write about a dream you had, a thought that occurred to you, or engage in some cathartic venting. Journaling is proven to increase focus and reduce stress.

Starting your day off right can be as simple as setting aside five-minutes for yourself. In fact, five-minutes is a good place to start. Making a change takes a conscious effort, but if that change is five minutes, it will feel more manageable than jumping into an hour of exercise right off the bat.

Remember: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” — Will Duran

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