Morning Routine Tips from Our Favourite Business Leaders

Creating a regular morning routine can help you kickstart your day with direction and vision. Morning routines condition you to build habits to become more productive and use time efficiently. If you win with a great morning routine, you win the day by creating positive momentum.

Is there a secret formula for a productive morning? Can it be found in a morning ritual and cup of coffee? We dove into the morning routines of highly effective business leaders. Here are some tips that get them prepped and ready to rock out the day:

The Early Bird Gets the Worm

Set that alarm! Develop a habit of waking up with ample time to get ready. Many successful business leaders such as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Oprah Winfrey make it a habit to wake up early. By waking up earlier, you are given a chance to prepare and ease yourself into the day while keeping stress levels low. Keep in mind that it is important to have to get a full night’s rest on a daily basis. Sleep plays a vital role in your health and energy levels. Jeff Bezos says getting a good sleep of at least eight hours makes a big difference for him, and he tries hard to make that a priority. When adjusting to a new schedule, do it gradually in small increments.

Prepare the Night Before

Learn to work more efficiently by starting the day with clear objectives. While there’s probably not an ideal morning routine that works for everyone, many successful people live by this daily habit. Write down tasks the night before to eliminate early morning decision making. Prepping the night before helps you see the day as a bigger picture and adds more structure to the day.

Kenneth Chenault, American Express CEO once said in an interview that the last thing he does before leaving the office is writing down the top three things he wants to accomplish tomorrow. When writing the list of tasks to do the next day, write down the things you don’t want to do, but need to do. Start your day with the highest priority tasks to put your mornings to productive use.

Start with Exercise

Start your day off with a strong positive mindset by exercising every morning. Studies show working out is really good for you. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which trigger a positive feeling in your body. Simply put, physical activity creates a strong body which helps create a strong mind. Six days a week, Barack Obama wakes up hours before his first meeting to get in a 45-minute workout. Throughout his presidency, Obama made living a healthy lifestyle a priority. By sticking to his routine, he is able to fit exercise into his busy schedule.

Build Your Ultimate Morning Routine

What does your morning routine consist of? Meditation? Screen-free time to visualize the day? Words of affirmation? Build your own morning routine that works for you and stick to it. Focus on starting with the right headspace and energy to accomplish all of your tasks for the day. If you are consistent and disciplined in your morning habits, it has the power impact parts of your life in a positive way. Let us know what you include in your ultimate morning routine on our Facebook page!

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